Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Short Story A Story Of A Ghost Story - 1265 Words

â€Å"There once was a story told a long, long time ago, about the haunted mill.† said the man with the big black hat on his head. My twin brother and I wondered what the rest of the story was so we asked the perplexed man. â€Å"Oh I dont know if I should tell you that.† said the mysterious man. We just looked at the man and wondered why he couldnt tell us. We wondered and wondered what that strange story was, we were not giving up until we found out the story. So once we got away from that strange man I wondered what I could do to find out the story. Both of us decided that when we went home we would ask our parents. As soon as we got home we both scurried into the kitchen. Our parents looked us kids and asked why we were is such a hurry?†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Wait! Thats where we live!† Charlie exclaimed. Every day we would come to school and say hi to them but they still wanted nothing to do with us, we tried and tried to be friends with them. We asked them where they moved here from and they said someplace where no one knows. We all just tried to stay away from them, after that. You have to remember those who you think you can trust you sometimes cant. â€Å" Said Timmy then he ran off. â€Å"Wait where are you going.† Charlie and I hollered. We were once left alone again. On the way home Charlie and I were both wondering what else has happened that no one is telling us, and why wouldnt anyone tell us? There was something strange going on in this town. The next day things got even stranger when we woke up to go to school our parents had disappeared. We looked every where for them. Something strange was going on and I didn’t like it one bit. I asked Charlie if he had any idea what was going on. Charlie said â€Å" I don’t know but its starting to freak me out!† I told Charlie it was starting to freak me out to. So then we went to look for them some more. THen Charlie suggested that we call the cops and file a missing person report. I told Charlie that was a great idea and that was the best thing that we could do to help. When we called the cops we told them that are parents Mary and Max were missing and nowhere to be seen. They asked us questions and were wonder when was the last time we saw her. We started to say lastShow MoreRelatedDeepening My Understanding of the English Language797 Words   |  3 Pagesdifferent genres of literature as well; in the ghost stories genre, authors attempt to scare, teach moral lessons or entertain through their writings. Even each ghost story has its own significant purpose. In the ghost story, â€Å"The Open Window†, Saki deliberately replaces ghosts with a human character who manipulates truths in order to prove the ultimate danger of the unpredictability of human behavior. In a ghost story, readers would expect the presence of a ghost. 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