Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Langston Hughes Essay examples -- essays research papers

Langston Hughes James Langston Hughes was conceived on February 1, 1902, in Joplin, Missouri. He was named after his dad, yet it was later abbreviated to simply Langston Hughes. He was the lone offspring of James and Carrie Hughes. His family was rarely upbeat so he was a desolate youth. The explanations behind their misery had as a lot to do with the shade of their skin and the general public into which they had been conceived as they did with their contrary characters. They were casualties of white mentalities and unfair laws. They moved to Oklahoma in the late 1890s. In spite of the fact that the foundation of subjugation was authoritatively canceled racial separation and isolation endured. Langston Hughes guardians at that point isolated. Since his mom moved from city to city looking for work he lived in Lawrence, Kansas, with his grandma named Mary Hughes. She wildly restricted to racial separation. While growing up, Langston additionally remained with companions of the family, James and Mary Reed. Living with his grandma and the Reeds taking all things together white neighborhoods, he felt considerably increasingly separated. When Langston was prepared to begin school in 1908, his mom was informed that since her child was dark, he was unable to go to a close by, for the most part white school in Topeka, Kansas. Carrie, his mom, battled with the school over their choice. She won her battle and Langston was at last admitted to the school. He dealed with his forlornness by composing verse. After Langston’s grandma kicked the bucket in 1915, he went to live with his mom, her subsequent spouse, Homer Clark, and Clark’s two-year-old child, Gwyn. They went from Lawrence, Kansas to Kansas City, Missouri to Lincoln, Illinois. They moved to Cleveland, Ohio in 1916. Clark moved to Chicago, Illinois. Langston’s mother tailed him and Langston was disregarded in Cleveland. He dedicated himself to his group work and different interests. He was on the publication staff, on the understudy chamber, one the track group, an official in the drill corps, and acted in school plays. When Langston Hughes went to Central High, the understudy body was ethnically differing. Langston’s Jewish companions were the ones who previously made him fully aware of the standards of communism. Communism is the regulation that all property in a general public will be open property. Claude McKay, a dark author whose articles and sonnets showed up in the Liberator, turned into a most loved of Langston’s. Langston began to utilize Negro (African-American... spent the early piece of the 1940’s taking a shot at his personal history, The Big Sea, which tells in splendidly clear language an amazing tale up to the year 1931.He investigated the communicating legitimacy of dark vernacular in urban and rustic dark ways of life. He moved on from Lincoln University in 1930. He composed dramatists and made significant Broadway triumphs as Scottsboro Limited (1932) and Mulatto (1935). In first assortments of short stories, The Ways Of White Folks, distributed in 1934.He was perceived as Simple a humorist through the making of a character named Jessie B. Semple who, Simple States A Claim (1957), makes editorial on social issues standing up to the dark network in a vernacular style which strikes a typical harmony in its straightforwardness. In 1957, Semple was brought to Broadway in the melodic Simply Heavenly. In May 22, 1967 Langston Hughes in passed on in New York City. The motivation behind why I picked Langston Hughes as my well known African American was on the grounds that his sonnets are my top choices. The other explanation is that he was continually attempting to improve the life of African Americans. Along these lines, taking everything into account, I might want to state Langston Hughes is an American legend.  â â â â

Saturday, August 22, 2020

What to Write an Essay on the Job Search

What to Write an Essay on the Job SearchIf you are looking for ways to write an essay on the job search, then this article will help you get started. In this article I will discuss some tips to writing an essay on the job search.Of course your essay is going to start with the necessary things that you have to include. A title is one of the first things you should start with. Your title will tell your reader a little bit about your article and what it is all about.Another important tip to consider when writing an essay on the job search is to make sure that you use an essay format. There are many different forms of essays, but there are four main forms: thesis statement, thesis question, body, and conclusion.Of course I don't want to leave out one more important tip that is going to help you create the most effective essay, what to write an essay on the job search. The final part of the essay that you will want to include is your conclusion.Your conclusion will tell your reader who yo u think will benefit from your article, and where they can find the information you have written about. This is a very important part of your essay.The final tip I will give you for writing an essay on the job search is how to write a compelling conclusion. To do this, you should not only find a way to incorporate your title, but also your thesis statement.After you have included all the necessary information, but what to write an essay on the job search, then you should include something that will motivate the reader to learn more about your piece. As you work through your piece, you should be able to easily link the main ideas together. In this article I hope you will have found some good tips on what to write an essay on the job search. Remember your goal is to create a great article that will help someone and hopefully give them the information they need in order to perform well at their job search.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Video paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Video - Term Paper Example The one point is clear: â€Å"now there is no concerned national reaction for atmosphere change†. No, the video didn’t influence me with respect to my conclusion, as there are loads of neosporimih realities, which demonstrate that a dangerous atmospheric devation is a biological issue. Certainly, carbon dioxide is a â€Å"plant food†, yet while deforestation happens, carbon dioxide emanations just increment. Cynics call it â€Å"life†, however I consider that that is contamination. In spite of the fact that I accept that the issue of a dangerous atmospheric devation has just become an instrument of political control, I don’t believe that at first â€Å"was not founded on science however was a political accord, which incorporated various scientists†. Doubters had discovered the seats at the table, and one of them was Myron Ebel, who was following up on an expansive methodology by his activity plan â€Å"Victory Will Be achieved† so as to cause open to perceive vulnerabilities in atmosphere science. State Senator David Rouzer thinks about that atmosphere of the Earth is transforming from the earliest starting point of the world, so it is hard to proceed with coastline contemplate and characterize the connection between's environmental change, a worldwide temperature alteration and ocean level change. All things considered, when top and-exchange came up for a vote in the House in 2009, it went, with eight Republicans ready and was upheld by President Barack Obama. Sen. John Kerry likewise partook in going to an uncomfortable accord, that â€Å"galvanized the activity of individuals who inverse it†. I consider that Administration shouldn’t overlook the issue of a dangerous atmospheric devation. What's more, there ought to be taken a few activities so as to shield America’s residents from the results of environmental change. At long last, as â€Å"now there is no concerned national reaction for atmosphere change†, something ought to be done on universal level. US Administration ought to help out governments and researcher of different nations so as to demonstrate the presence and that to take care of the issues of worldwide

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Human Trafficking Is A Rising - Free Essay Example

Skills and Strategies The skills and strategies which I applied to read this article were that I first read the article. By reading the article first time I got little idea what is it about. The words which were difficult for me to understand I searched its meaning in a dictionary which helped me a lot to understand article half way. I read the article 2-3 times loud to understand article better and underlined the important points which I wanted to include in my summary. After making key points I made a research regarding the article, tried to understand some difficult words in my own language which made the reading easy for me. I asked questions to myself, putting myself in that particular situation and found out answers to the critical thinking of article. Summary Human trafficking is a rising concern which involves the trade of human for various purposes like sex, slavery and forced labor. It is very unfortunate that even with developing technologies and security systems around the world there is ever increasing trade of especially women and children mostly from developing countries. According to the International Labor Organization around 2.3 million people are victims of trafficking. In this article, the author Vanessa talks about how humans are forced for prostitute services and slavery, economic globalization as a faciliatory of human trafficking, victims and predators. how to prevent human trafficking, prosecution and how to protect them self from human trafficking. Basically, she says that the root cause of human trafficking is poverty. Developing countries use women and children as their investment, sell them for prostitution and slavery at very less money to developed countries. The money they get from developed countries increases th e economy of the developing country. All this happens because of globalization, globalization increases a greater number of criminals and criminal activities. Worlds economy increases due to globalization. International labor organization estimates annual global profits $32 million. The needy people mostly become victims as they easily get attracted to the fake advertisements regarding jobs posted by predators and victims get trapped in their tricks. Many preventive measures and protection measures are taken to remove the root cause of trafficking like giving education, anti-trafficking laws enforcement, but still, predators always play safe and stay one step ahead of laws. They are having such a strong network that they dont get easily caught and human trafficking continues. Critical Thinking The author has explained how the effect of globalization is increasing the rates of human trafficking. Globalization which helps in growing the worlds economy, the author wants to remove the roots of human trafficking by educating people, by taking help of laws. I totally agreed with the present article that its true globalization does increase human trafficking, women and children are forced into such things by giving unlawful payments or benefits. It surely increases economic growth, but the crime rates increase. Criminals get encouraged more and more day by day, they want to earn more money easily. The connections of mafia people are strong that they dont even get caught. They continue doing such activities more frequently and exploit poor and needy people. Definitely, this activity should be removed from the roots. For example, the government of developing countries should give a fixed amount of wages to people who are below the poverty line. Educating people regarding such a thi ng, how to handle such situations and how to protect and prevent themselves from human trafficking should be taught free of cost. Yes, I have witnessed such a situation in a home country where innocent children are kidnapped and are tortured to beg at street lights. After kidnapping their body parts are damaged and parts like kidneys, eyes are sold. Some mafias are so clever that they run NGO for orphan children and use them wisely in exporting, importing and supplying drugs. When they feel a shortage of children they bring children from adoption houses. People even kidnap children to perform paranormal activities, to perform black magic. Some people have blind faith in such things and at the end dont get any profit by performing such activities. In fact, innocent people become victims and lose their life. Young girls under the age of 18 are sold and exported to men and are trained to entertain. The predator runs sex rachet so wisely that they dont even get caught. They export girls from one state to another state and from state, one border to another border during night time. Women are given schemes to earn mo re money by doing jobs and are later forced and assaulted. All this can be stopped only by educating people, making laws which really frightens predators, giving self-defense classes. The government should take some steps to make sure that how many NGO are fake and how many are registered. Securities should be so tight, that any kind of export should be caught easily, hidden cameras on roads should be placed to catch such activities.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Essay on The Cold War - 1121 Words

The Cold War The irrational fear of Soviet invasion gripped our country for over 35 years. That fear led to the upper echelons of authority making decisions, which would create a feeling of near hysteria throughout the public. Americans feared that the Soviets were planning some nuclear attacks on the States, and were frightened by the thought that the Soviets might have a lead in the arms race. The words â€Å"race† and â€Å"gap† came to be used everyday when referring to anything the Soviets created, and Americans felt that the â€Å"gap† which kept America on top of the arms â€Å"race† needed to remain a â€Å"gap†. With our submarines constantly finding new ways to tap into Soviet intelligence, it seemed that America did, in fact, have the upper hand.†¦show more content†¦The first reference is on page 194: â€Å"On October 9, 1969, the New York Times ran a front-page story headlined ‘New Soviet Subs Noisier Than Expected.’† Th e second reference is on page 273, when the NYT ran a five-column, three line headline: â€Å"CIA Salvage Ship Brought up Part of Soviet Sub Lost in 1968, Failed to Raise Atom Missiles.† These newspaper headlines were what Americans were reading everyday, leading to the fear that Soviets might have the one-up on warfare vehicles, or that they would salvage those missiles and use them against America. Also, if Americans could read so freely about what was happening with the military, the Russians could very easily be reading the same thing. Once again, the fear that Russians would use this knowledge against us was widespread. There were reports that the Soviet Union was racing to build its own atomic bombs, and there seemed no doubt that the Soviets were â€Å"out to make a grab for world dominance.† (Sontag, 5) â€Å"This was the atmosphere of mistrust that gave birth to the Central Intelligence Agency and plunged its agents into an immediate duel with Soviet spies. This was the era of fear that inspired the West to once again join forces, now as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. And all of this was the inspiration for the blind man’s challenge, the call for submariners in windowless cylinders to dive deep into a new role thatShow MoreRelatedThe War Of The Cold War1644 Words   |  7 PagesThe Cold War was a state of political and military tension stemming f rom World War II fought primarily between the United States and the Soviet Union. Although the start and end dates of the Cold War are frequently disputed over, it is generally accepted that the conflict started at the conclusion of the Second World War and stemmed from the social climate and lingering tensions in Europe and the increasing power struggles between the Soviet Union and the United States. Along with economic separationRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War Essay1525 Words   |  7 PagesOne major war ended and another to begin. The Cold war lasted about 45 years. There were no direct military campaigns between the United States and Soviet Union. However, billions of dollars and millions of lives were lost. The United States emerged as the greatest power from World War 2. (Give Me Liberty 896) The country boasted about having the most powerful navy and air force. The United states accounted for about half of the world’s manufacturing capacity, which it alone created t he atomic bombRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War757 Words   |  4 PagesAs tensions continued to augment profoundly throughout the latter half of the Cold War period, they brought forth a movement from a previous bipolar conflicting course, to one of a more multipolar nature. These tensions were now not only restricted to the Soviet Union and United states, but amongst multiple other nations of the globe. It became a general consensus that a notion of ‘peace’ was sought globally, hence, the emergence of dà ©tente. The nature of this idea in the short term conveyed itselfRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War1636 Words   |  7 PagesThe U.S. learned greatly after having been declared the victor of the Cold War. Retired four-star U.S. Army general Colin Powell said, â€Å"The long bitter years of the Cold War are over. America and her allies have won; totally, decisively, and overwhelmingly† (Reed 343). The Cold War started after World War II in 1947 and ended in 199 1. The U.S. underwent a political war with the Soviet Union in hopes of advancing more rapidly in certain fields, such as nuclear weapons and space crafts. Avoiding nuclearRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War886 Words   |  4 Pagesin an infamous battle against ideologies: The Cold War. Even though war took place during this time, both powers were not involved in battle directly, hence the name cold war. The war mainly consisted of assumed and implied threats of nuclear attacks and political control over states in Europe. Even before 1945, the beginning of the Cold War, tension brewed between the U.S and the U.S.S.R. Both sides had differing views on Europe s state after the war. For instance, programs like the Marshall PlanRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War961 Words   |  4 Pages1945, beginning year of the Cold War. The development of cold war just started after the end of world War ||. The cold war was the result of conflict between two powerful country Soviet Union and United Stat e. The war was regarding to the lead the world after the World War ||. The Soviet Union wanted to emerge its power to the world and so do the United States too. The research paper mainly focused on various reasons of opposition of two great power of the world Soviets and United States of AmericaRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War Essay1075 Words   |  5 PagesDuring World War II, the United States, Britain, and Russia all worked together to take down Hitler. Although after the war, the coordination between the U.S. and Russia became extremely tense which inevitably lead to the Cold War. The U.S. was worried that Russia would spread communism after World War II. Russia was concerned with the U.S. arms increase and intervention in international affairs. The distrust between the two nations resulted in the Cold war which lasted until 1991. In 1946, WinstonRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War1052 Words   |  5 PagesThe Cold War was a result of what happened at the end of World War 2. At the end of World War 2, the Soviets held a grudge against the U.S for their delayed entrance in the World War resulting in deaths of thousands of Russians resulting in the appearance of the Cold War .The Cuban Missile Crisis was a significant flashpoint in the Cold War because it was the moment two superpowers came closest to nuclear conflict. This crisis, while posing the very real threat of global annihilation, also led toRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War1737 Words   |  7 Pages Cold War The Cold War, which is often dated from 1945 to 1989, was a constant state of political and military tension between powers in the West, dominated by the United States with NATO among its allies, and powers in the East, dominated by the Soviet Union along with the Warsaw Pact. The development of Nuclear Weapons and long range shooting missiles by the United States gave a lot of fear and caused mass destruction. The Cold War came about after World War II when America used their atomic bombsRead MoreThe War Of The Cold War1123 Words   |  5 PagesThe Cold War consist of tensions between the Soviets and the U.S. vying for dominance, and expansion throughout the world. Their complete different ideologies and vision of the postwar prevented them from working together. Stalin wants to punish Germany and make them pay outrageous sum of money for reparation. However, Truman has a different plan than Stalin. Truman believes that industrialization and democracy in Germany and throughout th e world would ensure postwar stability. Stalin also wanted

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Short Story A Story Of A Ghost Story - 1265 Words

â€Å"There once was a story told a long, long time ago, about the haunted mill.† said the man with the big black hat on his head. My twin brother and I wondered what the rest of the story was so we asked the perplexed man. â€Å"Oh I dont know if I should tell you that.† said the mysterious man. We just looked at the man and wondered why he couldnt tell us. We wondered and wondered what that strange story was, we were not giving up until we found out the story. So once we got away from that strange man I wondered what I could do to find out the story. Both of us decided that when we went home we would ask our parents. As soon as we got home we both scurried into the kitchen. Our parents looked us kids and asked why we were is such a hurry?†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Wait! Thats where we live!† Charlie exclaimed. Every day we would come to school and say hi to them but they still wanted nothing to do with us, we tried and tried to be friends with them. We asked them where they moved here from and they said someplace where no one knows. We all just tried to stay away from them, after that. You have to remember those who you think you can trust you sometimes cant. â€Å" Said Timmy then he ran off. â€Å"Wait where are you going.† Charlie and I hollered. We were once left alone again. On the way home Charlie and I were both wondering what else has happened that no one is telling us, and why wouldnt anyone tell us? There was something strange going on in this town. The next day things got even stranger when we woke up to go to school our parents had disappeared. We looked every where for them. Something strange was going on and I didn’t like it one bit. I asked Charlie if he had any idea what was going on. Charlie said â€Å" I don’t know but its starting to freak me out!† I told Charlie it was starting to freak me out to. So then we went to look for them some more. THen Charlie suggested that we call the cops and file a missing person report. I told Charlie that was a great idea and that was the best thing that we could do to help. When we called the cops we told them that are parents Mary and Max were missing and nowhere to be seen. They asked us questions and were wonder when was the last time we saw her. We started to say lastShow MoreRelatedDeepening My Understanding of the English Language797 Words   |  3 Pagesdifferent genres of literature as well; in the ghost stories genre, authors attempt to scare, teach moral lessons or entertain through their writings. Even each ghost story has its own significant purpose. In the ghost story, â€Å"The Open Window†, Saki deliberately replaces ghosts with a human character who manipulates truths in order to prove the ultimate danger of the unpredictability of human behavior. In a ghost story, readers would expect the presence of a ghost. According to Cox and Gilbert, the deadRead MoreGhosts by Naomi Wood938 Words   |  4 PagesGhosts by Naomi Wood The short story by Naomi Wood was written in 2012, and is about Pia, who is a middle-aged woman and the day where the short story takes place, is her 40th birthday. In this story we meet Pia, her partner Daniel and random people from the streets and of course Pia is our main character. The short story starts in the middle of Pia’s day, she just finished working and she is about to leave the car park at work. She is on her way home, where her partner Daniel waits to takeRead MoreLegend Of Sleepy Hollow Short Story1013 Words   |  5 Pages Twisted Space of Sleepy Hollow â€Å"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow† is a short story that has been remade from the original multiple times since it has been published. The supernatural events about ghost that take place in the short story are about most common in horror stories. This short story is about a resurrection of a headless horseman that was a soldier before he died. When the horseman comes back he is well known to take heads from people for taking his head many years ago. The supernaturalRead MoreVictorian Ghost Stories Nearly Always Encompass Family1361 Words   |  6 PagesVictorian Ghost Stories nearly always encompass family life in some way or another. One reason for this may be to emphasize how abnormal a ghostly figure or hauntings really are within the story and get readers thinking, what would happen if that was happening to them? Making the stories feel more realistic to a Victorian readership. Family life within the era was held as one of the most important aspects of their day to day lives, therefore it is only natural for the theme of family to be presentRead MoreA Comparison of Susan Hills The Woman in Black and M.R. James Oh, Whistle, and Ill Come to You, My Lad1101 Words   |  5 Pagesintroduction to The Woman In Black she mentions M.R. James short stories as some of the greatest ghost stories ever written. Her appreciation of James writing is one of the reasons for the many similarities and differences between the two texts. Hill was greatly inspired by the setting of Oh, Whistle, and Ill Come to You, My Lad and this results in her novel being a similar reading experience to James story. One of the most obvious influences on Susan Hills novelRead MoreBernie Mcgill - No Angel959 Words   |  4 Pagessometimes you have those moments, where you can feel and see them. Exactly this situation, the main character has to deal with in Bernie McGill’s short story â€Å"No Angel† published in 2011. The main character of the story is Annie; she is a middle-aged woman, who is the only living member left of the family. The story is based around Annie talking to her father’s ghost; therefor it makes us believe that the supernatural does exist. Formerly she had a brother named Robbie, who was three years younger thanRead MoreAmbiguism In The Demon Lover By Elizabeth Bowen1059 Words   |  5 Pagestheme of the demon lover in her short story in which a woman is left traumatized during the blitz in World War II. The story follows a married middle age woman who is haunted by the ghost of her love from her youth. This ghost was known to be killed in the First World War nearly twenty-five years earlier. Bowens focuses on the atmosphere to create a disturbing ambiguity leading to many interpretations to what seems like a simple ghost story; the reader wonders if the ghost is a supernatural body or aRead MoreThe Summer People, By Shirley Jackson And Smoke Ghost By Fritz Leiber1649 W ords   |  7 Pagesfrom them. For the sake of time, however, I will focus on â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, â€Å"The Summer People† by Shirley Jackson and â€Å"Smoke Ghost† by Fritz Leiber. Each of these stories has succeeded in broadening my horizons and has taught me something important about the world in which we live. Weird fiction stories cover a wide range of important issues including sexism, the social structure of tourist towns and the disparity of the working class. In the introductionRead MoreGHOST STORIES retold by Rosemary Border1590 Words   |  7 PagesCOMPULSORY READING Ghost Stories RETOLD BY Rosemary Border ABOUT THE AUTHORS: A. M. BURRAGE Alfred McLellan Burrage (1889-1956) was a well-known English novelist. He enjoyed writing about ghosts and horror, and produced two novels and many short stories in this genre. Smee comes from his collection entitled Someone in the Room. BRAM STOKER Stoker (1847-1912) has been called one of the least-known authors of the one of the best-known books. As a child, he enjoyed listening toRead MoreWoman Warrior Essay1345 Words   |  6 Pagesnovel, The Woman Warrior is a semi-autobiographical collection of short stories that chronicles her childhood in California. It gives the reader a feeling of how it feels like to be a Chinese American girl growing up with traditional parents in a world that is quite different from theirs. Throughout the novel, both she and her mother refer to the outside world as ghosts. The subtitle given to the book is Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts. To figure out the meaning behind this subtitle, one has to try

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Pepsico free essay sample

Kendall is president and chief executive officer. The new company reports sales of $510 million and has 19,000 employees. Major products of the new companies are: Pepsi-Cola Company: Pepsi-Cola (formulated in 1898), Diet Pepsi (1964) and Mountain Dew (introduced by Tip Corporation in 1948). 1970 PepsiCo moves from New York City to new world headquarters in Purchase, N. Y. The new corporate headquarters feature a building by one of Americas foremost architects, Edward Durrell Stone (1902-1978), set on a campus of 144 acres amid an outdoor sculpture garden. Frito-Lay begins a program of expansion. Over the next decade, the company opens, on average, more than one new plant a year. Pepsi is the first company to respond to consumer preference with lightweight, recyclable, plastic bottles, and introduces the industrys first two-liter bottle. Pepsi-Cola introduces a new, modern looking logo, still featuring the red, white, and blue color scheme adopted in 1943. 1978 PepsiCo acquires Taco Bell. 1977 PepsiCo acquires Pizza Hut, Inc. We will write a custom essay sample on Pepsico or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 1986 Pepsi-Cola acquires Mug Root Beer. PepsiCo purchases Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). 1990 PepsiCo acquires a controlling interest in Gamesa, Mexicos largest cookie company. PepsiCo signs the largest commercial trade agreement in history with the Soviet Union. 1996 Filming of the worlds first commercial in space, Cosmonauts shoot a large blue Pepsi can in orbit outside the MIR space station. 1998 The Pepsi-Cola Company celebrates its 100th anniversary 2013 MÃ'Ëœller Quaker Dairy, a Joint venture between PepsiCo and The MÃ'Ëœller Group, open a new state-of-the-art yogurt manufacturing facility in Batavia, New York. We have a complementary food and beverage portfolio that enables us to provide more choices for our customers, and drives lower costs, productivity enhancements nd new capabilities. Our products are available around the world and our portfolio includes 22 brands that each generates more than $1 billion in estimated annual retail sales. Pepsi is one of the worlds most iconic and recognized consumer brands globally. Today, the Pepsi portfolio includes three products Pepsi, Diet Pepsi and Pepsi MAX † that each generates more than $1 billion in annual retail sales. Learn more about our flagship brand. Frito-Lay snack brands balance our product portfolio, blending good fun with high- quality, great tasting snacks. Its portfolio includes flagship brands LAY' potato hips, the No. snack food brand in America, and FRITO corn chips, a snack fans have enjoyed for more than eight decades among many other favorites. Gatorades line of sports fuels adds over 45 years of sports nutrition research to the PepsiCo portfolio in more than 80 countries. Gatorade has a rich history of studying the best athletes in the world, in the lab and on the field, and no one knows their tueling n better. Strategic Alliance Pepsi announced his alliance with Twitter to provide videos in streaming with live concerts, but it is exclusive for the followers of Pepsi in the microblog. With this Pepsi seeks to re-live the war of the sodas with Coca Cola and he would invest approximately 600 million additional dollars in advertising this year. Main competitors of Pepsico Advantages We achieved our goal, four years ahead of schedule, to improve global operational water-use efficiency by 20 percent per unit of production by 201 5, compared to a 2006 baseline. The improvements we have made in efficiency enabled PepsiCo to save nearly 14 billion liters of water in our direct operations in 2012, which, in turn, enabled the company to save more than $1 5 million in water costs. We are working to improve our energy use efficiency in order to reduce our GHG emissions, conserve fuel and reduce our costs. Our target is a 20 percent per unit of production improvement in energy efficiency in our manufacturing facilities and fleet globally by 201 5, compared to 2006. This applies to legacy operations as they existed in 2006, excluding major mergers and acquisitions since the baseline year and adjusting for divestitures. Performance with Purpose Goals Performance Strive to deliver superior long-term financial performance and sustained shareholder value. Human Continue to refine our food and beverage choices to meet changing consumer needs by reducing sodium, added sugars and saturated fat, and developing a broader porttolio ot product choices. Continue to provide clear nutrition intormation on our products, and sell and market them appropriately to our consumers, including children, in line with our global policies and accepted global standards. Environmental Help protect and conserve global water supplies, especially in water-stressed areas, and provide access to safe water. Innovate our packaging to make it increasingly ustainable, minimizing our impact on the environment. Work to eliminate solid waste to landfills from our production facilities. Work to achieve an absolute reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across our global businesses. Continue to support sustainable agriculture by expanding best practices with our growers and suppliers. Talent Create a safe, healthy, diverse and inclusive workplace that reflects the global communities in which we operate. Respect human rights in the workplace and across the supply chain.