Saturday, December 28, 2019

Racial Inequality Of Americ Why It Still Matters Essay

Race in America - Why it still Matters One would not want to live a life if they knew their chances of reaching their goals, were almost certainly downsized or marginalized by their race. Well, sadly this is the case for Blacks in America. Blacks are often found to be, at the bottom of the American society. America is suppose to be â€Å"The land of the free, and the home of the brave,† allowing all citizens equal opportunity. However in a harsh reality it is not, but instead the land of the incapacitated, and home of the Whites. Looking back in time, America has always been a country of racial inequality that benefited Whites and demeaned any other race. Examples of racial inequality in our history consist of the American-Indian war, slavery, Jim Crow laws, and general discrimination. Thus the term â€Å"White Supremacy,† meaning Whites have dominance and are superior, came about. The feeling of Whites Supremacy is still felt in today’s society, and is one of many reason why race still matters. Even though the are many theories of why race still matters, it is important to realize 3 major reasons why that is so. In short, race matter because of the increased likelihood of minorities experiencing: poverty, racial profiling and Institutional racism. If the American dream is true, why is it that Black s as a racial group seem incapable of achieving it? Growing up in a neighborhood that some may consider â€Å"The Ghetto† but to me is home, my family often found it hard to make ends

Friday, December 20, 2019

Odysseus as a Tragic Hero - 2449 Words

Nearly every story in Greek mythology revolves around a character with a certain outstanding attribute, be it strength, intellect, or even musical talent. Heroes such as this might spend their lives questing for kleos, or the myth might simply be a tale in which the hero was trying to accomplish a certain task, such as returning home or rescuing a lover from Hades. In every case, these heroic tales would always end with tragedy; the hero would be killed by a jealous lover, go mad, or have a loved one taken away from him. However, one Greek hero existed whose story did not end with tragedy: Odysseus. Homers The Odyssey is unique among all other Greek myths in that it is the only story in which the hero does not meet a tragic end; why†¦show more content†¦The two friends are extremely close to one another and are comfortable with simply sitting and singing together, away from the battle that Achilles has left. However, unlike Achilles, Heracles actually has more than one of these close companions throughout his adventures. Heracless first and most important male companion was Hylas, with whom he traveled until the journey of Jason and the Argonauts. The relationship between the two has even been described as ‘homoerotic, they were so close to one another. For example, after Hylas goes missing in the story, Herakles reacted with passionate anguish (‘sweat poured down over his temples, and within his innards the dark blood boiled, sang Apollonius) (Buxton 111). In fact, after Hylas is lost, Herakles chooses to abandon Jasons quest for the Golden Fleece and continue searching for his beloved companion in vain. Another companion of Heracles, Iolaos, travels with and helps him during many of his labors. Heracles had many more of these companions as well, says Plutarch (Buxton 176). However, while both Achilles and Heracles had one or more close male companions, Odysseus had none, and traveled alone for much of his story. There is yet one more difference between Odysseus and the other two heroes which may help to find the reason why his tale does not endShow MoreRelatedOdysseus As An Epic Hero As A Tragic Hero811 Words   |  4 Pagesadmired for great achievements†. The Odyssey written by Homer is home to Odysseus, the original epic hero. The typical features of an epic hero or heroic epic are strength, loyalty, courage, and intelligence. Odysseus not only fulfills the requirements but also goes above and beyond. On his way home to Ithaca Odysseus faces many challenges, and with each solution, we see why he is considered an epic hero. A trait that Odysseus embodies to the fullest is intelligence. His wittiness and eloquence haveRead MoreSimilarities Between Odysseus And Macbeth1357 Words   |  6 Pagesdifferences between Homer’s Odysseus and Shakespeares Macbeth. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Issues of Increasing Disharmony Among the Employees in the Workplace

Question: Explain about the issues of increasing disharmony among the employees in the workplace. Answer: Introduction This paper is all about the issues of increasing disharmony among the employees in the workplace. Effective communication among the employees and the friendly working atmospheres of the workplace helps the company to get effective result from their employees. For enhancing the performance of the company, it is necessary develop harmony among the employees. With the age of globalization, it is necessary for every organization to take diversity among their workforces to utilize their workforce (Bledsoe, 1996). Diversity in the workforce helps the company to properly utilize the talents of the different types of people. Working as team helps the workers to develop the bonding among them. Proper team work helps the company to improve their performance. In an organization, there are different types of employees and it is necessary for the company that the employees of different department communicate with themselves effectively. It helps the company to run their business effectively (Cost a, et al, 2016). Proper communication and friendly work culture helps the employees to do their jobs effectively that helps the company to improve their performance. To improve the performance of the employees the company should arrange proper harmony program for their employees. In this case study the issue of disharmony among the employees are discussed. As a team leader of a large call centre of Sydney, the leader has to face many problems due to the increasing disharmony among their team members. As the team members belong to different fields, age, and family background, there are differences between them that hamper the smooth working culture of the team and also the company (Dobson, 1976). The company treat all its employees equally irrespective of their background and age that leads to create differences among the team members. For smooth running of the business of the organization, it is very much important to develop harmony among their employees. Management of diversity in workforce: In the team of call centre, there are three members in a team and they belong to different back ground, age and gender. As they belong to different background, there is difference in their ideas, mentality that leads to create disharmony among them. As disharmony among the team members leads to obstruct the way of smooth running of the company, it is necessary for the manager to take strategies for developing harmony among them (Epie, 2006). As in the team member, one is senior than other two, but due to the new legal policy of the company they all get same wages that leads to create disharmony among the team members. It is the ethical responsibility of the company to treat their all employees equally irrespective of their age, gender and background but this leads to create disharmony among the team members (Funnell, n.d.). To solve this issue, the team leader has to take required steps like identifying the issues for differences among its team members and take proper steps for reduc ing the differences. It is necessary for the company to follow the laws and regulation of the company and they should not be partial to any of its employees. The company should offer equal offerings to all their employees to eliminate the differences among them (Hede, 2011). To eliminate the differences among the people it is necessary for the team members to communicate with each other effectively. The team leader has the responsibility to make sure about the verbal and non verbal communication among their team members. Also the competition among the team members for getting rewards and promotion leads to create differences among the team members. Roles and Responsibilities of each team member For the each team member in the organisation there are several roles and responsibility for them and they needs to follow the roles to get effective job outcomes in their work performance (Molleman, E. 2006). The individual or the team are the customer care executive and they have entitled to communicate with the client effective manner. The customer care executives need to develop their communication skill for their effective job performance. Behaviours and manner is also be the another vital factor for the individuals. Rules for communication To communicate well with the customers and the team members the individual needs to obtain formal and informal communication skills. By the help of effective information sharing and thought and ideas sharing the individuals can make more interaction with the other staffs and it encourage to enhance the relationship and get effective job outcomes for the Call Centre. Schedule of Activities Activities Duration (Days) Hiring skilful candidate 10 Set some objectives 5 Make a team 8 Distribute the task 4 Completion of the task 18 Total 45 Details of the team: Team Member Job Role Education Background Abilities, skills and knowledge Member 1 Call centre Executives Diploma in IT Good in communication, has very Good knowledge in computer. Member 2 Call centre Executives Masters in English Good in communication, good in computer Member 3 Call centre Executives Graduate in Art Moderate in communication, Good in computer but has good decision making ability. As the team members belong to different background as per the educational background, they are differentiating in their skills. The team member 1 is belongs to IT back ground, so he is very good in computer and also in communication. The member 2 is very good id communication and this is a required necessity in the call centre job (Molleman, 2006). Also she is very good in computer. So, other team members feel threat from her. Besides this the member 3 is belong to arts background, so he is not as good as the other team members in communication and computer, but he has the ability of proper decision making. Thus the different background of the team members creates differences among them but for smooth running of the business of the organization, it is necessary to solve the differences among them as they all are equally important for the company. Reflect of advance team work: Team work in the organization is very necessary for the smooth running of the business of the organization. If the three members of the team of the call centre works as a team and helps each other to perform better job, it will benefit the employees as well as the company. As per the analysis in this paper, the employees of the team are belongs to different backgrounds and they all are good in their respective fields (Novakovic, 2002). So, it is necessary for them to work together to perform better for the organization such that the company be able to improve their performance and attract more clients that helps the company to increase their revenue (Weyn and Baker, 2003). Thus increasing the harmony among the team members helps the company to improve their performance and revues. Thus the team works helps the company to improve their profits earned. It is necessary for the company to treat their all employees equally and utilize the talents of their employees effectively such that t he company is able to get better performance from their employees that helps the company to increase their profits. Conclusion: In the age of globalization, the companies hire their employees irrespective of their employees irrespective of their age, gender, back ground and skills. To increase the performance of the company it is necessary for the employees to work as a team. Proper team work helps the company to improve their performance (Sewell and Stockton, 1931). As a team leader, the leader has to take effective steps for making effective communication among their employees. In the team of the call centre, there are employees from different back ground and they are specialized in their respective fields. It is necessary of the team leader to take care about the effective communication among their team members such that they can perform better. Thus as per this research work it is found that although there are different background people but they should work as a team to perform better. Advance team work and effective communication among the employees of the call centre of Sydney helps the company to impr ove their performance and increase their profit earned. Part B Did the team achieve what is set out to? In the Call Centre communication and the cooperation among the employees and the team is quite essential for the essential business process of the organisation. As a team leader of a Call Centre it is utmost duty for the individual to observe the individual performance of the employees in their job role and try to analyse the team work performance by the help of some short term goals. It can be said that to make the objectives of the organisation formal informal communication and innovation in the team managing strategies in quite important task for the team leaders of the organisation. How did different people make different contribution to the team effort? By the help of effective communication and sharing information the individuals can easily make their contribution for the job roles. To make an effective effort in their job role the different people of the team needs to share their own ideas and thoughts to obtain the effective outcomes in a fruitful way. To maintain the organisational objectives easily the individual contribution is quite necessary in this business process. Did you have any incentives such as rewards for completing allocated task? How do you think these would benefit a team? To maintain effective team in the organisation it is quite important for a team leader to offer reward management system in the organisation to motivate the team more and more in their performance. By giving them equal opportunity it also gives effective motivation towards the employee to complete the task. To complete the task in a efficient manner and within the time frame the team leader needs to promote effective monetary and non monetary rewards for the individuals. With the help of incentives, salary hike and praises, promotion enhance the performance of the individuals and it motivates the employee to work efficiently and effectively for the organisation. How did the team attempt to be innovative? The best method to begin is by realizing the real work the group will perform and then optimizing the workers around these prime activities. Understanding the social network better enhance the performance of the individuals and it creates better performance of the team. By the help of building a team which can identify the gaps in the market the organisation can easily attempt some innovative ideas in their team. Another attempt to be innovative is to remember to set up some measurable goals for the teams. What external ideas did you utilise during the exercise? Conventional teaching and training provide is the way to get some ideas about the performance. To analyse the performance of the team members in the Call Centre as a team leader the individual needs to aware about the experimental learning process by which the individual can easily get some outside ideas about their job role in the business process. How did you share information knowledge and experience with your team members? By the help of formal and informal communication process I can easily share my knowledge and information with my team member. To mitigate the miscommunication among the team and to generate more work anxiety in their job role communication with the team leaders is quite essential and effective task. How can you challenge and test ideas in a positive way? To challenge and test the ideas in a positive way as a team leader I have to allow people to fail in their job role. It means I have to give more opportunities to the team and encourage more to test their ideas. I have to allow them to think a unique and creative ideas rather than making my ideas and opinion as a prime one. Being a great communicator also help me to be a better way of thinker and to test ideas in a positive manner. What did your team feel worked well and what could be improved upon? To work as a team I need to aware about the team work and the cooperation among the members. BY the help of communication it can mitigate the distance among the employees. By implementing better communication in the organisation the employees will work as a team and it could improve the performance of the individual as well as the organisation. How could you use the above feedback to build into future activities? From the above feedback it can be said that to increase the performance of the organisation the team leader needs to be more communicative and supportive towards the team. By engaging more reward management system in the business process helps the organisation to build effective future activities. What do you feel are the challenges of being innovative in a team environment? Less communication, less motivation and inequality in the workplace can be the biggest challenge for any team and also for the organisation. Lack of communication and motivation can harm the work environment for the team. What are characteristics of a team that is more likely to be innovative? To be more innovative the individual needs to be more optimistic in their job role. By the help of opportunistic mindset in their characteristics makes them too innovative in their work performance. What internal and external factors contribute to a team becoming and remaining innovative? To become more innovative team in the business process there are some internal and external factors for the individuals. Formal education and providing training development is quite essential for the team building. If you were the General Manager of the Call Centre how would you promote and celebrate the innovation displayed by the group? As a General Manager of a Call Centre to promote and celebrate the innovation in the team work the manager needs to hire for culture. By encourage the diversity in the workplace it maintains to promote and celebrate the innovation in the workplace. Incorporate spirit is one the vital factor for the managers to promote the innovation in the team work. References Bledsoe, L. (1996).Team work. Paramus, NJ: Globe Fearon. Costa, P., Passos, A. and Bakker, A. (2016). Direct and Contextual Influence of Team Conflict on Team Resources, Team Work Engagement, and Team Performance.Negotiation Confl Manage Res, 8(4), pp.211-227. Dobson, G. (1976). Team Work Before Group Work.Probation Journal, 22(1), pp.17-21. Epie, C. (2006). What helps and what hinders team work - Perspectives of Nigerian team members.LBS Management Review, 7(2). Funnell, P. (n.d.).Team work. Hede, K. (2011). Making Team Science Work: Advice from a Team.Science. Molleman, E. (2006). The multilevel nature of teamà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ based work research.Team Performance Management, 11(3/4), pp.113-124. Novakovic, A. (2002). Work with dying patients: Team dynamics and team work.Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 15(3), pp.279-294. Sewell, J. and Stockton, H. (1931).Team work. Philadelphia: Lippincott. Weyn, S. and Baker, D. (2003).Team work. New York, NY: Golden Books Pub. Co.